Compass 2733° NW
2022 FarmStudio
Vysoká, Czech Republi
Metal(Milk Heater), JBL bluetooth speaker, Elektrouši
"Compass 2733° NW" is a body and sound performance between the bodymind orientation and the cardinal directions.
Through the use of an old spiral metal object that was once a milk heater from ancient Bohemia farm, the performance explores the concept of orienting oneself through space to time.
The use of a gyroscope sensor attached to the chest and stereo electric magnetic microphones in the palm forms the “listening pointer”, aiming for the sonic feedback system leads to unify body awareness orientation.
The quadraphonic sound system are build towards the north, east, south, and west as an initial axis of the sonic world. As the body and sound spiral from end to beginning, the self-generated cardinal directions engage consciousness inward, encouraging a deeper exploration of the self and one's relationship with the world around them.
By drawing on the physical, cultural, and technological aspects of the performance, "Compass 2733° NW" invites the audience to consider their own relationship with space, time, and direction. How we orient ourselves in the world? and how the non human consciousness plays a role in human consciousness.